Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Manufacturers, Manufacturing, Production and Wholesale
Contact Information
4500 12th Street ExtensionWest Columbia 29172
Primary Contact Number: (803) 569-2800
Accepts the Chamber Gift Card
Business Representative
manufacturing, a technology that allows a vial of medication to be formed, filled and sealed in a continuous process without human intervention
in a sterile, enclosed area.
lettering and color-coded packaging. In 2001, prior to FDA’s 2004 mandate, Nephron led the market in the development and release of individually
wrapped and bar-coded medication. Individually wrapped and bar-coded vials are a major patient safety feature and are now standard treatments in
the bedside safety practices of US hospitals.
home care companies, and long term care facilities. Nephron has a dedicated sales force that covers all fifty states and Puerto Rico, and has additional
sales channels throughout South America, the Middle East, and Europe.
500 employees. Nephron is actively in search of additional partnerships with various pharmaceutical and biological companies throughout the world
and is enthusiastic about plans for future growth in respiratory, ophthalmic and injectable medications.
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